03-AFR-1304.SE01 Swahili in der Welt, die Welt in Swahili


Lehrende: Dr. Irene Brunotti

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: 03-Afrikastudien

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Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

Offizielle Kursbeschreibung:
At the intermediate level, the students share opinions, feeling and reflections in Swahili through oral debates with classmates as well as through emails, blogs, letter writings, notes and personal experi­ences. They discuss in Swahili reading selections, songs, and videos as well as a varieties of texts on Swahili current affairs or events that affect their daily lives and that are relevant to them. The students are able to use their creativity to present different topics in Swahili, the most relevant to their interests. They learn about and participate in activities enjoyed by Swahili speaking people such as games, sports, music, drama and celebrations. They eventually recognise and develop an awareness of the diversity of social customs in the Swahili speaking world as well as artistic contributions in areas such as arts, music, dance, drama, theatre, film, fashion and cuisine. This learning experience will definitely strengthen our „learning community”. Swahili related scholarly works [urban studies, literature, performance, visual arts, social media, politics, history, religion, contemporary debates – fff, blm, elections..]

Swahili III (A2) [common european framework of references for languages – cefrl]

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Do, 13. Okt. 2022 09:15 10:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Dr. Irene Brunotti
2 Do, 20. Okt. 2022 09:15 10:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Dr. Irene Brunotti
3 Do, 27. Okt. 2022 09:15 10:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Dr. Irene Brunotti
4 Do, 3. Nov. 2022 09:15 10:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Dr. Irene Brunotti
5 Do, 10. Nov. 2022 09:15 10:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Dr. Irene Brunotti
6 Do, 17. Nov. 2022 09:15 10:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Dr. Irene Brunotti
7 Do, 24. Nov. 2022 09:15 10:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Dr. Irene Brunotti
8 Do, 1. Dez. 2022 09:15 10:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Dr. Irene Brunotti
9 Do, 8. Dez. 2022 09:15 10:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Dr. Irene Brunotti
10 Do, 15. Dez. 2022 09:15 10:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Dr. Irene Brunotti
11 Do, 5. Jan. 2023 09:15 10:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Dr. Irene Brunotti
12 Do, 12. Jan. 2023 09:15 10:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Dr. Irene Brunotti
13 Do, 19. Jan. 2023 09:15 10:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Dr. Irene Brunotti
14 Do, 26. Jan. 2023 09:15 10:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Dr. Irene Brunotti
15 Do, 2. Feb. 2023 09:15 10:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Dr. Irene Brunotti
Enthalten in Modulen
03-AFR-1304 Swahili III (WiSe 2022/23)
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Dr. Irene Brunotti