03-AFR-1305.SE01 Recalibrating Afrikanistik (Volkswagen Foundation) Winterschool 2020 (Leipzig) Postcolonial Debates: Politics of Knowledge Practices in and around African Languages and Literatures


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: 03-Afrikastudien

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Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Offizielle Kursbeschreibung:
The Winterschool shall enable students interested in postcolonial debates to gain insight into knowledge practices in and around African languages and literatures, and their relevance for African and Area Studies: How does knowledge in and about African languages contribute to a deeper understanding of postcolonialism? What can that knowledge contribute to postcolonial theory? If we are interested in „local“ epistemologies, how can we access knowledge that is unavailable due to linguistic distance beyond „just“ knowing a language? How is our understanding of language itself a product of colonial and postcolonial processes? What do are knowledge practices and what do they look like, and what do we get to see if we have access to them? What does such an approach through African languages and literatures tell us about our contemporary societies both in Germany and Africa? We want to discuss these and other questions from different dimensions – sociological, historical, literary and linguistic –, fields – literature in Swahili and German, popular culture, critical linguistics – and topics – scientific power, nationstate and mothertongue, linguistic heterogeneity of the classroom, language and the city, tourism and language in the postcolony, etc.

The winterschool lasts 10 consecutive days and comprises lectures, seminars, workshops, discussions, walking lectures, city walks, readings, film screenings. 20 participants at BA, MA, and graduate levels will be from the universities of Leipizg, Cologne and Bayreuth. Students are expected to contribute with projects of their own that will be defined in the course of the winterschool. Credits: 10 ETCS, requirements: project presentation (10 min. on the last day of the winterschool) and essay (app. 10 pages), to be handed in according to the regulations of the respective study program or university. Leipzig University BA students will be credited in the module 03-AFR-1305, MA students in an open module of the study program MA African Studies. The winterschool is open to PhD candidates from Leipzig University’s GSGAS and can be credited with 4 ETCS.

Registration: recaf@uni-leipzig.de until 1 Nov 2019

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03-AFR-1305 Afrika in der Forschung (WiSe 2019/20)
Übersicht der Kurstermine
Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck