03-SIN-0402.SE01 New Religious Movements in Modern China (1850-2019)

Course offering details

Instructors: Prof. Ph.D Philip Clart

Event type: Seminar

Org-unit: 03-East Asian Studies

Displayed in timetable as:


Crediting for:

Hours per week: 2

Language of instruction: English

Official course description:
The module provides an introduction to and overview of the new religious movements of China since 1850. We will focus in particular on the socio-political and cultural conditions of the emergence of such movements in important phases of the history of modern China. The focus here will be on the Taiping Tianguo movement (late Qing period), Yiguandao (Republican period to present), and Falungong (1990s to present). In addition to the historical perspective, we will also focus on systematic and dynamic aspects of the development of new religious doctrines and practices under conditions of rapid social and cultural change, in-cluding and in particular globalization.

Organisational issues:
Target Audience
The module is intended primarily for students enrolled in the MA programme in Chinese Studies (MA Sinologie), but it is also open to other interested students, in particular the following three groups:
1) Für BA-Studierende der Sinologie: Der Seminaranteil dieses MA-Moduls kann im Rah-men des BA-Moduls „Gesellschaften Chinas“ belegt werden (03-SIN-0207a). Die Modu-leinschreibung und Prüfungsleistung erfolgen im BA-Modul.
2) Für MA-Studierende anderer Fachrichtungen und Promovierende: Der Übungsanteil die-ses Moduls kann nach Absprache mit dem Dozenten durch andere Leistungen ersetzt werden. Falls gewünscht, kann auch entweder nur das Seminar oder nur die Übung be-sucht werden; in diesem Fall können aber keine Leistungspunkte erworben werden.
3) Students in the Global Studies MA programme: The seminar component is part of the module “Regions in Globalization Processes: Asia and Middle East” (06-008-GS-0830).

Date From To Room Instructors
1 Th, 4. Apr. 2019 15:15 16:45 Großer Seminarraum S 302 Prof. Ph.D Philip Clart
2 Th, 11. Apr. 2019 15:15 16:45 Großer Seminarraum S 302 Prof. Ph.D Philip Clart
3 Th, 18. Apr. 2019 15:15 16:45 Großer Seminarraum S 302 Prof. Ph.D Philip Clart
4 Th, 25. Apr. 2019 15:15 16:45 Großer Seminarraum S 302 Prof. Ph.D Philip Clart
5 Th, 2. May 2019 15:15 16:45 Großer Seminarraum S 302 Prof. Ph.D Philip Clart
6 Th, 9. May 2019 15:15 16:45 Großer Seminarraum S 302 Prof. Ph.D Philip Clart
7 Th, 16. May 2019 15:15 16:45 Großer Seminarraum S 302 Prof. Ph.D Philip Clart
8 Th, 23. May 2019 15:15 16:45 Großer Seminarraum S 302 Prof. Ph.D Philip Clart
9 Th, 6. Jun. 2019 15:15 16:45 Großer Seminarraum S 302 Prof. Ph.D Philip Clart
10 Th, 13. Jun. 2019 15:15 16:45 Großer Seminarraum S 302 Prof. Ph.D Philip Clart
11 Th, 20. Jun. 2019 15:15 16:45 Großer Seminarraum S 302 Prof. Ph.D Philip Clart
12 Th, 27. Jun. 2019 15:15 16:45 Großer Seminarraum S 302 Prof. Ph.D Philip Clart
13 Th, 4. Jul. 2019 15:15 16:45 Großer Seminarraum S 302 Prof. Ph.D Philip Clart
14 Th, 11. Jul. 2019 15:15 16:45 Großer Seminarraum S 302 Prof. Ph.D Philip Clart
Contained in modules
03-SIN-0207 Chinese Societies (SoSe 2019)
03-SIN-0402 The Religions of China (SoSe 2019)
06-008-GS-0830 Regions in Globalisation Processes: Asia and the Middle East I (SoSe 2019, SoSe 2019)
Class session overview
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Prof. Ph.D Philip Clart