03-ETH-2012.SE01 Culture and Technology


Lehrende: Dr. Stefanie Mauksch

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: 03-Ethnologie

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Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Offizielle Kursbeschreibung:
This subject examines relationships among technology, culture, politics, animals and the (human) body in a range of social settings. In this reading-intensive course, we encounter a few core concepts and theorists relevant to the anthropological study of science and technology. We explore the often unacknowledged political, aesthetic, religious, ethical and embodied aspects of technology and science, and ask how we may study these as sociomaterial practices rather than human mastery over Nature. Specific attention will be paid to contexts of so-called Global South. What hopes, fears, and uncertainties are evoked by the global circulation of science and technology? How are scientific knowledge and technological innovations constantly redrawing the boundaries between Nature and Society? How do new technologies evolve in relation to, and transform imaginations of identity, power, and knowledge? Each session is organized around either analytical core concepts, or anthropological encounters with a distinct thing, field or process, such as the wheelchair, the plastic spoon, the cyborg, stem cells, the cochlear implant, the fingerprint, childbirth. We use these as cases to explore how technology shapes, and is being shaped by, cultural assumptions, utopian imagery, and complex interactions between human and non-human substances and agencies.

This will be a reading-intensive discussion seminar. Students are required to prepare for class by thoroughly reading each sitting’s required readings and prepare short summaries/responses. To maximize learning, students are strongly encouraged to engage additional readings. Students write an assignment in the form of an essay (6,000-7,000 words, due date: 31 March, 2024)

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Di, 10. Okt. 2023 11:15 12:45 Hörsaal S 102 Dr. Stefanie Mauksch
2 Di, 17. Okt. 2023 11:15 12:45 Hörsaal S 102 Dr. Stefanie Mauksch
3 Di, 24. Okt. 2023 11:15 12:45 Hörsaal S 102 Dr. Stefanie Mauksch
4 Di, 7. Nov. 2023 11:15 12:45 Hörsaal S 102 Dr. Stefanie Mauksch
5 Di, 14. Nov. 2023 11:15 12:45 Hörsaal S 102 Dr. Stefanie Mauksch
6 Di, 21. Nov. 2023 11:15 12:45 Hörsaal S 102 Dr. Stefanie Mauksch
7 Di, 28. Nov. 2023 11:15 12:45 Hörsaal S 102 Dr. Stefanie Mauksch
8 Di, 5. Dez. 2023 11:15 12:45 Hörsaal S 102 Dr. Stefanie Mauksch
9 Di, 12. Dez. 2023 11:15 12:45 Hörsaal S 102 Dr. Stefanie Mauksch
10 Di, 19. Dez. 2023 11:15 12:45 Hörsaal S 102 Dr. Stefanie Mauksch
11 Di, 9. Jan. 2024 11:15 12:45 Hörsaal S 102 Dr. Stefanie Mauksch
12 Di, 16. Jan. 2024 11:15 12:45 Hörsaal S 102 Dr. Stefanie Mauksch
13 Di, 23. Jan. 2024 11:15 12:45 Hörsaal S 102 Dr. Stefanie Mauksch
14 Di, 30. Jan. 2024 11:15 12:45 Hörsaal S 102 Dr. Stefanie Mauksch
Enthalten in Modulen
03-ETH-2012 Kultur und Technologie (WiSe 2023/24)
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Dr. Stefanie Mauksch