03-SIN-4003.SE01 Feast and Famine – Food in Chinese History


Lehrende: Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: 03-Ostasienwissenschaften

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Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Offizielle Kursbeschreibung:
In this course we will explore Chinese history and historical methodology through the lens of food. Sometimes described as “the common people’s heaven” until today food constitutes an important aspect of Chinese culture. Food can create social bonds but can establish hierarchies as well; it can benefit your health or destroy it; it can be local but also global; it can be joy and sorrow, moral or amoral. How does the materiality of food influence the technologies and knowledge to produce it? How does it reflect the moral values of social groups? How does cosmological and medical knowledge shape its preparation and consumption? How do cook-ing and eating constitute identity, the self and the other? What is its role in society and poli-tics? Throughout the semester we will study the history of food from various perspectives, including agriculture, medicine, philosophy, religion, environmental history, global and local history, and memory. This course will offer you food for thought and you will learn that stud-ying foodways is a fascinating approach to analyze the world’s past and present.

Course Objectives:
• Broad understanding of Chinese foodways and its value for studying Chinese history • Fa-miliarity with historical methods and the interdisciplinary field of food studies • Improve ana-lytical skills • Improve academic research, presentation, and writing skills

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mo, 9. Okt. 2023 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
2 Mo, 16. Okt. 2023 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
3 Mo, 23. Okt. 2023 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
4 Mo, 30. Okt. 2023 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
5 Mo, 6. Nov. 2023 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
6 Mo, 13. Nov. 2023 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
7 Mo, 20. Nov. 2023 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
8 Mo, 27. Nov. 2023 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
9 Mo, 11. Dez. 2023 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
10 Mo, 18. Dez. 2023 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
11 Mo, 8. Jan. 2024 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
12 Mo, 15. Jan. 2024 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
13 Mo, 22. Jan. 2024 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
14 Mo, 29. Jan. 2024 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
Enthalten in Modulen
03-SIN-4003 Wissenskulturen Chinas (WiSe 2023/24)
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Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann