03-SIN-4003.ÜB01 Farmers, Scholars, Scientists: Agricultural Knowledge Production in China


Lehrende: Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann

Veranstaltungsart: Übung

Orga-Einheit: 03-Ostasienwissenschaften

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Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Offizielle Kursbeschreibung:
The shift from hunting and gathering to farming, or what we call the “Neolithic Revolution”, was a major step for the development and survival of complex societies. Scholars have tended to view agriculture as the foundation for the rise of modern civilizations across the world. As the primary source of food supply, farming remained important until modern times and it is therefore no surprise that it was among the central concerns of scholarly and official discourses throughout the ages.
Building on the rich body of primary sources and secondary scholarship, this seminar asks how historical actors in China have received and produced, accepted and discussed, adapted and transformed, circulated and transmitted agricultural knowledge across time. We will explore the cultural and socio-historical contexts of agricultural knowledge production and discuss the role of agriculture in Chinese history. The seminar will be accompanied by readings from agricultural writings (nongshu ??) and other primary materials. A good command of written Chinese is therefore required. At the end of this course, participants will understand the historical development of agriculture and the plurality of agricultural knowledge production in China and will be able to conduct individual case studies within this field of research.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mi, 28. Okt. 2020 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
2 Mi, 4. Nov. 2020 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
3 Mi, 11. Nov. 2020 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
4 Mi, 25. Nov. 2020 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
5 Mi, 9. Dez. 2020 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
6 Mi, 16. Dez. 2020 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
7 Mi, 6. Jan. 2021 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
8 Mi, 13. Jan. 2021 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
9 Mi, 20. Jan. 2021 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
10 Mi, 27. Jan. 2021 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
11 Mi, 3. Feb. 2021 13:15 14:45 Großer Seminarraum M 103 Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann
Enthalten in Modulen
03-SIN-4003 Wissenskulturen Chinas (WiSe 2020/21)
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Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann