03-ETH-1026.SE01c The Museum on the CouchReflexive and creative exploration of the ethnographic museum “The Invitation”


Lehrende: Dr. Bernard Müller

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: 03-Ethnologie

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Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Offizielle Kursbeschreibung:
This 5th “Museum on the Couch” seminar will decline the notion of "invitation" crucial to both the worlds of art and anthropology, and their museums. Have people who once belonged to the objects that speak about them in an ethnographic museum been invited to do so? Is an ethnologist invited to his field? Can the invitation then be the subject of an artistic gesture that would answer the previous questions?
Conceived and animated by the anthropologist Bernard Müller and the artist Neven Allanic, this semester will allow students to follow, and participating, to the very construction process of the exhibition "Megalopolis # 1 - Stimmen aus Kinshasa" (https://www.kulturstiftung-desbundes.de/nc/de/projekte/archiv/detail/megalopolis_1_stimmen_aus_kinshasa.html , inauguration on 31 November 2018 - until March 2019).
In this exhibition will be developed a documentary (and critical) space which is the focus of this session. Together and through the duo "the artist” and “the researcher" that they form, their approach results from a common desire for interconnection between the worlds of art and anthropology in order to create links between artistic practices and anthropological research, in the light of a specific case whose ins and outs will be discussed during this workshop-seminar.
One will wonder how to open an area of dialogue between different worlds in an ethnographic museum ... INVITING each other on a symmetrical basis, without reproducing the relations of power at work in a postcolonial situation. What is the architecture of this place? What are the aesthetic mechanisms at work? What information does the visitor need and how to make it accessible to the greatest number?
In the same spirit of creative research of the previous sessions, students are invited to propose a form (Performance, guided tours, flyers, etc.: see the other years:
in connection with the documentary space, and in resonance with the notion of "information," "document" or "archives".
The most deserving students will be selected for the exhibition.

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mi, 17. Okt. 2018 16:30 18:30 Museum für Völkerkunde, Kleiner Vortragsraum (1. Etage), Johannisplatz 5-11 Dr. Bernard Müller
2 Mi, 24. Okt. 2018 16:30 18:30 Museum für Völkerkunde, Kleiner Vortragsraum (1. Etage), Johannisplatz 5-11 Dr. Bernard Müller
3 Mi, 7. Nov. 2018 16:30 18:30 Museum für Völkerkunde, Kleiner Vortragsraum (1. Etage), Johannisplatz 5-11 Dr. Bernard Müller
4 Mi, 14. Nov. 2018 16:30 18:30 Museum für Völkerkunde, Kleiner Vortragsraum (1. Etage), Johannisplatz 5-11 Dr. Bernard Müller
5 Mi, 28. Nov. 2018 16:30 18:30 Museum für Völkerkunde, Kleiner Vortragsraum (1. Etage), Johannisplatz 5-11 Dr. Bernard Müller
6 Mi, 5. Dez. 2018 16:30 18:30 Museum für Völkerkunde, Kleiner Vortragsraum (1. Etage), Johannisplatz 5-11 Dr. Bernard Müller
7 Mi, 12. Dez. 2018 16:30 18:30 Museum für Völkerkunde, Kleiner Vortragsraum (1. Etage), Johannisplatz 5-11 Dr. Bernard Müller
8 Mi, 19. Dez. 2018 16:30 18:30 Museum für Völkerkunde, Kleiner Vortragsraum (1. Etage), Johannisplatz 5-11 Dr. Bernard Müller
9 Mi, 9. Jan. 2019 16:30 18:30 Museum für Völkerkunde, Kleiner Vortragsraum (1. Etage), Johannisplatz 5-11 Dr. Bernard Müller
10 Mi, 16. Jan. 2019 16:30 18:30 Museum für Völkerkunde, Kleiner Vortragsraum (1. Etage), Johannisplatz 5-11 Dr. Bernard Müller
11 Mi, 23. Jan. 2019 16:30 18:30 Museum für Völkerkunde, Kleiner Vortragsraum (1. Etage), Johannisplatz 5-11 Dr. Bernard Müller
12 Mi, 30. Jan. 2019 16:30 18:30 Museum für Völkerkunde, Kleiner Vortragsraum (1. Etage), Johannisplatz 5-11 Dr. Bernard Müller
13 Mi, 6. Feb. 2019 16:30 18:30 Museum für Völkerkunde, Kleiner Vortragsraum (1. Etage), Johannisplatz 5-11 Dr. Bernard Müller
Enthalten in Modulen
03-ETH-1026 Aktuelle Themen der Ethnologie (WiSe 2018/19)
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Dr. Bernard Müller