03-AFR-1711.SE01 Mbembe: Critique of Black Reason


Lehrende: Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck

Veranstaltungsart: Seminar

Orga-Einheit: 03-Afrikastudien

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Semesterwochenstunden: 2

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch

Offizielle Kursbeschreibung:
Achille Mbembe (*1957), professor of sociology at the University of the Witwatersrand (South Africa), is a high profiled African philosopher, political theorist and public intellectual. Writing from the experience of a postcolonial condition he addresses a broad range of topics that aim to write Africa into the world. In this seminar we read his widely discussed book Critique of Black Reason (English 2017, translated from French Critque de la raison nègre, 2013) to trace his intellectual trajectory that culminates in his statement “the world turns black”. We focus on three topics that recur not only in this book but throughout his work: Africa and Modernity, Racism and Capitalism, State of Exception and the N [black person]. Regular attendance and active contribution in class is expected. Credits (5 ETCS): 6 reaction papers (ca 500 words) written on the same day of the class or essay of 3500 words to be handed in 6 weeks after the end of lecture period (mid August 2018). Reading Mbembe, Achille (2017). Critique of Black Reason. Durham: Duke University Press. [/(2015). kritik der schwarzen vernunft. frankfurtmain: suhrkamp.] [(2013). critique de la raison nègre. paris: découvertes.]

Datum Von Bis Raum Lehrende
1 Mi, 11. Apr. 2018 15:15 16:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck
2 Mi, 18. Apr. 2018 15:15 16:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck
3 Mi, 25. Apr. 2018 15:15 16:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck
4 Mi, 2. Mai 2018 15:15 16:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck
5 Mi, 9. Mai 2018 15:15 16:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck
6 Mi, 16. Mai 2018 15:15 16:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck
7 Mi, 23. Mai 2018 15:15 16:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck
8 Mi, 30. Mai 2018 15:15 16:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck
9 Mi, 6. Jun. 2018 15:15 16:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck
10 Mi, 13. Jun. 2018 15:15 16:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck
11 Mi, 20. Jun. 2018 15:15 16:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck
12 Mi, 27. Jun. 2018 15:15 16:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck
13 Mi, 4. Jul. 2018 15:15 16:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck
14 Mi, 11. Jul. 2018 15:15 16:45 Seminarraum R 2215 Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck
Enthalten in Modulen
03-AFR-1711 Fortgeschrittene Afrikastudien I (SoSe 2018)
06-003-308-3 Probleme der Philosophie 2 (SoSe 2018, SoSe 2018)
06-003-310-3 Probleme der Philosophie 4 (SoSe 2018, SoSe 2018)
06-004-2A1-3 Hauptprobleme der Kulturphilosophie 1 (SoSe 2018, SoSe 2018)
06-008-GS-0810 Regions in Globalisation Processes: Africa and the Near East I (SoSe 2018, SoSe 2018)
06-008-GS-1020 Cultural Transfers Under the Global Condition (SoSe 2018)
Übersicht der Kurstermine
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Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Beck