Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Theology >  Evangelische Religion (Lehramt) >  Staatsexamen Oberschule

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
Start semester
01-SQM-20 Foundations of Biblical Traditions and History of Christianity
Anja Marschall; Johann Meyer; Eva Maria Viziotis
WiSe 2020/21
01-DKE-0999.ÜB01 Bibelkunde Altes Testament
01-DKE-0999.ÜB01b Bibelkunde Altes Testament [Gruppe 1 - LA ev. Religion]
Anja Marschall
Wed, 28. Oct. 2020 [15:15] - Wed, 3. Feb. 2021 [16:45]
01-DKE-0999.ÜB02 Bibelkunde Neues Testament
01-DKE-0999.ÜB02a Bibelkunde Neues Testament [Gruppe 1 - LA ev. Religion und DKE]
Eva Maria Viziotis
Tue, 27. Oct. 2020 [17:15] - Tue, 2. Feb. 2021 [18:45]
01-SQM-20.VL01 Geschichte des Christentums
01-SQM-20.VL01 Geschichte des Christentums [Gruppe 1 - LA ev. Religion]
Johann Meyer
Fri, 30. Oct. 2020 [07:30] - Fri, 5. Feb. 2021 [09:00]