Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Economics and Management Science >  ERASMUS-Courses >  07-ERA-WiSe07 Flipped Classroom: Open Topics

This course is only for Erasmus-Students

Link Flipped Classroom

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
Start semester
07-ERA-WiSe07 Flipped Classroom: Open Topics
Prof. Dr. Harald Wiese
WiSe 2021/22
07-ERA-WiSe07 Flipped Classroom: Open Topics
07-ERA-WISE07 Flipped Classroom: Open Topics [Präsenz] [OK]
Prof. Dr. Harald Wiese
Wed, 13. Oct. 2021 [11:15] - Wed, 2. Feb. 2022 [12:45]