Course catalogue

Overview >  Faculty of Education >  Master Early Childhood Research >  Lehrveranstaltungen, empfohlen für das 3. Semester

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
Start semester
05-ECR-0009 Research Colloquium I
Dr. Christine Petra Michel
WiSe 2020/21
05-ECR-0009.KQ01 Forschungskolloquium I
05-ECR-0009.KQ01 Forschungskolloquium I -Digitallehre
Dr. Christine Petra Michel
Wed, 28. Oct. 2020 [13:15] - Wed, 3. Feb. 2021 [14:45]
05-ECR-0010 Strategies of Scientific Research II
Dr. Christine Petra Michel
WiSe 2020/21
05-ECR-0010.PN01 Kommunikation wissenschaftlicher Inhalte
05-ECR-0010.PN01 Kommunikation wissenschaftlicher Inhalte -Digitallehre
Stella Claire Gerdemann
Th, 29. Oct. 2020 [15:15] - Th, 10. Dec. 2020 [16:45]
Project Seminar
05-ECR-0010.ÜB01 Project Planning and Management
05-ECR-0010.ÜB01 Projektplanung und -management -Digitallehre
Dr. Christine Petra Michel
Tue, 27. Oct. 2020 [09:15] - Tue, 15. Dec. 2020 [16:45]