
Übersicht >  12 - Fakultät für Physik und Erdsystemwissenschaften >  Master >  International Physics Studies Program (PO 2023) >  Physical Compulsory Electives >  Theoretical Physics

Veranstaltungen / Module
Veranstaltung / Modul
Dozenten / Modulverantwortliche
12-PHY-MWPQFG3 Quantum Field Theory on Curved Space Times
Prof. Dr. Rainer Verch
SoSe 2024
12-PHY-MWPQFG3.VL01 Quantum Field Theory on Curved Space Times
12-PHY-MWPQFG3.VL01 Quantum Field Theory on Curved Space Times
Prof. Dr. Rainer Verch
12-PHY-MWPQFG3.ÜB01 Quantum Field Theory on Curved Space Times
12-PHY-MWPQFG3.ÜB01 Quantum Field Theory on Curved Space Times
Prof. Dr. Rainer Verch
12-PHY-MWPQFG6 Practical Course: Quantum Field Theory and Gravity
Dr. Daniela Cadamuro
SoSe 2024
12-PHY-MWPQFG6.PR01 Practical Course: Quantum Field Theory and Gravity
12-PHY-MWPQFG6.PR01 Practical Course: Quantum Field Theory and Gravity
Dr. Daniela Cadamuro
12-PHY-MWPSTP1 Quantum Field Theory of Many-Particle Systems
Prof. Dr. Bernd Rosenow
SoSe 2024
12-PHY-MWPSTP1.VL01 Quantum Field Theory of Many-Particle Systems
12-PHY-MWPSTP1.VL01 Quantum Field Theory of Many-Particle Systems
Prof. Dr. Bernd Rosenow
Mi, 3. Apr. 2024 [15:15] - Fr, 5. Jul. 2024 [12:45]
12-PHY-MWPSTP1.ÜB01 Quantum Field Theory of Many-Particle Systems
12-PHY-MWPSTP1.ÜB01 Quantum Field Theory of Many-Particle Systems
Dr. Matthias Thamm
12-PHY-MWPT2 Advanced Statistical Physics
Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Kroy
SoSe 2024
12-PHY-MWPT2.VL01 Advanced Statistical Physics
12-PHY-MWPT2.VL01 Advanced Statistical Physics
Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Kroy
Mi, 3. Apr. 2024 [11:15] - Mi, 3. Jul. 2024 [12:45]
12-PHY-MWPT2.ÜB01 Advanced Statistical Physics
12-PHY-MWPT2.ÜB01 Advanced Statistical Physics
Constantin Rein; Katharina Tholen
12-PHY-MWPTET4 Relativistic Quantum Field Theory
Prof. Stefan Hollands
SoSe 2024
12-PHY-MWPTET4.VL01 Relativistic Quantum Field Theory
12-PHY-MWPTET4.VL01 Relativistic Quantum Field Theory
Prof. Stefan Hollands; Dr. Jochen Wolfgang Zahn
Fr, 5. Apr. 2024 [09:15] - Fr, 5. Jul. 2024 [10:45]
12-PHY-MWPTET4.ÜB01 Relativistic Quantum Field Theory
12-PHY-MWPTET4.ÜB01 Relativistic Quantum Field Theory
Prof. Stefan Hollands; Dr. Jochen Wolfgang Zahn
12-PHY-MWPTKS2 Non-linear Dynamics and Pattern Formation
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Vollmer
SoSe 2024
12-PHY-MWPTKS2.VL01 Non-linear Dynamics and Pattern Formation
12-PHY-MWPTKS2.VL01 Non-linear Dynamics and Pattern Formation
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Vollmer
12-PHY-MWPTKS2.ÜB01 Non-linear Dynamics and Pattern Formation
12-PHY-MWPTKS2.ÜB01 Non-linear Dynamics and Pattern Formation
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Vollmer
12-PHY-MWPXT1 Group Theory and Its Applications in Physics
SoSe 2024
12-PHY-MWPXT1.VL01 Group Theory and Its Applications in Physics
12-PHY-MWPXT1.VL01 Group Theory and Its Applications in Physics
Prof. Dr. Daniel Roggenkamp
Di, 2. Apr. 2024 [13:15] - Do, 4. Jul. 2024 [12:45]
12-PHY-MWPXT1.ÜB01 Group Theory and Its Applications in Physics
12-PHY-MWPXT1.ÜB01 Group Theory and Its Applications in Physics
Prof. Dr. Daniel Roggenkamp
Do, 4. Apr. 2024 [13:15] - Do, 4. Jul. 2024 [14:45]