
Übersicht >  13 - Fakultät für Chemie und Mineralogie >  M.Sc. Structural Chemistry and Spectroscopy >  Wahlpflichtmodule


Module "Receptorbiochemistry" (11-122-1121)

Details about the practical and seminar groups will be discussed in the first sessions of the lecture.
Up-to date details are provided in the timetables of the Faculty of Life Sciences.

Module "Machine Learning" (13-121-0622)

This module cannot be selected in combination with the lecture
„Machine Learning: fundamentals and applications in chemistry“
in the module Recent Trends in Chemistry (13-121-1416).

Module "Recent Trends in Chemistry" (13-121-1416)

For completing this module, you need to select lectures totalling 3 SWS.
You have two successive semesters for completing the module.
Further lectures of 1 SWS and 2 SWS respectively, are likely to be offered in the winter semester.

Module "Highlights in Natural Product Synthesis" (13-122-0321)

This module will not be offered in the summer semester 2025. Repeat exams will be possible.

Veranstaltungen / Module
Veranstaltung / Modul
Dozenten / Modulverantwortliche
11-122-1121 Rezeptorbiochemie
Prof. Dr. Annette Beck-Sickinger
SoSe 2024
11-122-1121.SE01 Rezeptorbiochemie
11-122-1121.SE01 Receptorbiochemistry [in groups]
Prof. Dr. Annette Beck-Sickinger
Mo, 22. Apr. 2024 [08:30] - Mo, 10. Jun. 2024 [18:30]
11-122-1121.VL01 Rezeptorbiochemie
11-122-1121.VL01 Receptorbiochemistry
Prof. Dr. Annette Beck-Sickinger; Dr. Karin Mörl
Di, 2. Apr. 2024 [08:30] - Di, 18. Jun. 2024 [10:00]
12-122-1511 Grundlagen der Wechselwirkung von elektromagnetischer Strahlung mit Materie
PD Dr. Marko Bertmer
SoSe 2024
12-122-1511.VL01 Grundlagen der Wechselwirkung von elektromagnetischer Strahlung mit Materie
12-122-1511.VL01 Basics of Interaction of Electromagnetic Radiation with Matter
PD Dr. Marko Bertmer
Mi, 10. Apr. 2024 [10:15] - Do, 4. Jul. 2024 [14:45]
13-121-0423 Oberflächenspektroskopie - Methoden und Anwendungen
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Denecke
SoSe 2024
13-121-0423.VL01 Oberflächenspektroskopie - Methoden und Anwendungen
13-121-0423.VL01 Surface Spectroscopy: Methods and Applications
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Denecke
Di, 2. Apr. 2024 [15:15] - Di, 2. Jul. 2024 [16:45]
13-121-0621 Moderne Methoden der Theoretischen Chemie
Prof. Dr. Ralf Tonner-Zech
SoSe 2024
13-121-0621.VL01 Moderne Methoden der Theoretischen Chemie
13-121-0621.VL01 Modern Methods in Theoretical Chemistry
Dr. Doritt Luppa; Dr. Patrick Lucas Mélix; Dr. Fabian Pieck; Prof. Dr. Ralf Tonner-Zech
Mi, 3. Apr. 2024 [08:30] - Mi, 3. Jul. 2024 [11:30]
13-121-0621.ÜB01 Moderne Methoden der Theoretischen Chemie
13-121-0621.ÜB01 Modern Methods in Theoretical Chemistry [day and time to be decided]
Dr. Doritt Luppa; Dr. Patrick Lucas Mélix; Dr. Fabian Pieck; Prof. Dr. Ralf Tonner-Zech
Mi, 3. Apr. 2024 [10:00] - Mi, 3. Apr. 2024 [11:30]
13-121-0622 Maschinelles Lernen: Grundlagen und Anwendungen in der Chemie
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Westermayr
SoSe 2024
13-121-0622.SE01 Maschinelles Lernen: Grundlagen und Anwendungen in der Chemie
13-121-0622.SE01 Machine Learning: fundamentals and applications in chemistry
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Westermayr
Fr, 5. Apr. 2024 [15:00] - Fr, 5. Jul. 2024 [17:00]
13-121-0622.VÜ01 Maschinelles Lernen: Grundlagen und Anwendungen in der Chemie
13-121-0622.VÜ01 Machine Learning: fundamentals and applications in chemistry
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Westermayr
Mi, 3. Apr. 2024 [13:00] - Mi, 3. Jul. 2024 [14:50]
Vorlesung mit integrierter Übung
13-121-1119 Trennmethoden und Moderne "-omics"-Techniken
Prof. Dr. Ralf Hoffmann
SoSe 2024
13-121-1119.SE01 Moderne "-omics"-Techniken
13-121-1119.SE01 Modern "-omics"-techniques
Prof. Dr. Ralf Hoffmann
Mi, 3. Apr. 2024 [13:00] - Mi, 3. Jul. 2024 [14:30]
13-121-1119.VL01 Trennmethoden und Moderne "-omics"-Techniken
13-121-1119.VL01 Separation techniques and advanced "-omics"-techniques [day and time tbd]
Prof. Dr. Ralf Hoffmann
Do, 4. Apr. 2024 [10:15] - Do, 4. Jul. 2024 [11:45]
13-121-1416 Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Chemie
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Denecke
WiSe 2023/24
13-121-1416.KQ01 Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Chemie
13-121-1416.KQ01b Enhanced Experimentation [2 SWS]
Dr. Michael Goepel; Dr. Stephan Andreas Schunk
Mo, 10. Jun. 2024 [08:30] - Di, 25. Jun. 2024 [17:00]
13-121-1416.KQ01c Electrochemistry: Fundamentals, Trends, and Applications [- Part 1 (1 SWS)]
Prof. Dr. Bernd Abel
Mi, 3. Apr. 2024 [15:00] - Mi, 15. Mai 2024 [16:30]
13-121-1416.KQ01d Electrochemistry: Fundamentals, Trends, and Applications [- Part 2 (1 SWS)]
Prof. Dr. Bernd Abel
Mi, 22. Mai 2024 [15:00] - Mi, 3. Jul. 2024 [16:30]
13-121-1416.KQ01e Machine Learning: fundamentals and applications in chemistry [1 SWS]
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Westermayr
Mi, 3. Apr. 2024 [13:00] - Mi, 15. Mai 2024 [14:30]
13-121-1416.KQ01f Recent Trends in Reactive Transport [1 SWS]
Prof. Dr. Cornelius Fischer
Do, 4. Apr. 2024 [15:15] - Do, 4. Jul. 2024 [16:00]
13-121-1416 Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Chemie
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Denecke
SoSe 2024
13-121-1416.KQ01 Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Chemie
13-121-1416.KQ01b Enhanced Experimentation [2 SWS]
Dr. Michael Goepel; Dr. Stephan Andreas Schunk
Mo, 10. Jun. 2024 [08:30] - Di, 25. Jun. 2024 [17:00]
13-121-1416.KQ01c Electrochemistry: Fundamentals, Trends, and Applications [- Part 1 (1 SWS)]
Prof. Dr. Bernd Abel
Mi, 3. Apr. 2024 [15:00] - Mi, 15. Mai 2024 [16:30]
13-121-1416.KQ01d Electrochemistry: Fundamentals, Trends, and Applications [- Part 2 (1 SWS)]
Prof. Dr. Bernd Abel
Mi, 22. Mai 2024 [15:00] - Mi, 3. Jul. 2024 [16:30]
13-121-1416.KQ01e Machine Learning: fundamentals and applications in chemistry [1 SWS]
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia Westermayr
Mi, 3. Apr. 2024 [13:00] - Mi, 15. Mai 2024 [14:30]
13-121-1416.KQ01f Recent Trends in Reactive Transport [1 SWS]
Prof. Dr. Cornelius Fischer
Do, 4. Apr. 2024 [15:15] - Do, 4. Jul. 2024 [16:00]
13-122-0111 Massenspektrometrische Methoden
Dr. Jonas Warneke
SoSe 2024
13-122-0111.SE01 Massenspektrometrische Methoden
13-122-0111.SE01 Mass spectrometry
Dr. Jonas Warneke
Do, 4. Apr. 2024 [10:15] - Do, 4. Jul. 2024 [11:00]
13-122-0111.VL01 Massenspektrometrische Methoden
13-122-0111.VL01 Mass Spectrometry
Dr. Jonas Warneke
Di, 2. Apr. 2024 [13:00] - Di, 2. Jul. 2024 [14:30]
13-122-0111.ÜB01 Massenspektrometrische Methoden
13-122-0111.ÜB01 Mass Spectrometry
Dr. Jonas Warneke
13-122-0122 Ausgewählte Themen der NMR-Spektroskopie
Prof. Jörg Matysik
SoSe 2024
13-122-0122.VL01 Ausgewählte Themen der NMR-Spektroskopie
13-122-0122.VL01 Selected Topics of NMR Spectroscopy
Prof. Jörg Matysik
Fr, 5. Apr. 2024 [08:15] - Fr, 5. Jul. 2024 [09:45]
13-122-0122.ÜB01 Ausgewählte Themen der NMR-Spektroskopie
13-122-0122.ÜB01 Selected Topics of NMR Spectroscopy [plus practical upon appointment - Narmin Bashirova]
Narmin Bashirova; Dr. Chen Song
Fr, 5. Apr. 2024 [13:00] - Fr, 5. Jul. 2024 [13:45]
13-122-0321 Highlights in der Naturstoffsynthese
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schneider
SoSe 2024
13-122-0321.SE01 Highlights in der Naturstoffsynthese
13-122-0321.SE01 Highlights in natural product synthesis
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schneider
13-122-0321.VL01 Highlights in der Naturstoffsynthese
13-122-0321.VL01 Highlights in natural product synthesis
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schneider
Do, 4. Apr. 2024 [11:30] - Fr, 5. Jul. 2024 [12:45]
13-122-0521 Moderne Konzepte in der Katalyse
Ph.D. Thomas Sheppard
SoSe 2024
13-122-0521.VL01 Heterogene Katalyse
13-122-0521.VL01 Heterogene Katalyse
Ph.D. Thomas Sheppard
Mi, 3. Apr. 2024 [14:45] - Fr, 17. Mai 2024 [11:30]
13-122-0521.ÜB01 Moderne Konzepte in der Katalyse
13-122-0521.ÜB01 Modern Concepts in Catalysis
Ph.D. Thomas Sheppard
Mi, 22. Mai 2024 [14:45] - Fr, 5. Jul. 2024 [11:30]