
Übersicht >  Fakultät für Physik und Geowissenschaften >  International Physics Studies Program, Bachelor of Science >  3rd semester >  Compulsory modules

Veranstaltungen / Module
Veranstaltung / Modul
Dozenten / Modulverantwortliche
10-PHY-BIPMA3 Mathematik 3 - Vektoranalysis & partielle Differentialgleichungen
Ph. D. Vitalii Konarovskyi
WiSe 2019/20
10-PHY-BIPMA3.VL01 Mathematik 3 - Vektoranalysis & partielle Differentialgleichungen
10-PHY-BIPMA3.VL01 Mathematik 3 - Vektoranalysis & partielle Differentialgleichungen
Ph. D. Vitalii Konarovskyi
Mo, 14. Okt. 2019 [15:15] - Di, 4. Feb. 2020 [10:45]
10-PHY-BIPMA3.ÜB01 Mathematik 3 - Vektoranalysis & partielle Differentialgleichungen
10-PHY-BIPMA3.ÜB01 Mathematik 3 - Vektoranalysis & partielle Differentialgleichungen
Mohammad Hashemi
Fr, 18. Okt. 2019 [13:30] - Fr, 7. Feb. 2020 [15:00]
12-PHY-BIPEP3 Experimental Physics 3 - Electromagnetic Waves and Foundations of Quantum Physics
Prof. Dr. Rustem Valiullin
WiSe 2019/20
12-PHY-BIPEP3.PR01 Experimentalphysik 3
12-PHY-BIPEP3.PR01 Experimentalphysik 3
Dr. Jens Gabke; Prof. Dr. Michael Ziese
12-PHY-BIPEP3.VL01 Experimentalphysik 3 - Atome und Moleküle
12-PHY-BIPEP3.VL01 Experimental Physics 3 - Electromagnetic Waves and Foundations of Quantum Physics
Prof. Dr. Rustem Valiullin
Mo, 14. Okt. 2019 [11:00] - Do, 6. Feb. 2020 [12:30]
12-PHY-BIPEP3.ÜB01 Experimentalphysik 3 - Atome und Moleküle
12-PHY-BIPEP3.ÜB01 EP3 - Exercise group
Dr. Robin Gühne
Mo, 21. Okt. 2019 [09:15] - Mo, 3. Feb. 2020 [10:45]
12-PHY-BIPTP3 Theoretische Physik 3 - Klassische Mechanik 2 und Elektrodynamik 2
Dr. Andreas Kreisel
WiSe 2019/20
12-PHY-BIPTP3.VL01 Theoretical Physics 3 - Classical Mechanics 2 and Electrodynamics 2
12-PHY-BIPTP3.VL01 Theoretical Physics 3 - Classical Mechanics 2 and Electrodynamics 2
Dr. Andreas Kreisel
Di, 15. Okt. 2019 [15:15] - Fr, 7. Feb. 2020 [12:30]
12-PHY-BIPTP3.ÜB01 Theoretical Physics 3 - Classical Mechanics 2 and Electrodynamics 2
12-PHY-BIPTP3.ÜB01a TP3 - Group 1
Assem Burhan Ahmad Afanah; Dr. Andreas Kreisel
Di, 22. Okt. 2019 [13:30] - Di, 4. Feb. 2020 [15:00]
12-PHY-BIPTP3.ÜB01b TP3 - Group 2
Mathias Hänsel; Dr. Andreas Kreisel
Do, 24. Okt. 2019 [13:30] - Do, 6. Feb. 2020 [15:00]